
NBN promotes portal to comment drafts

Do you know that IBE-BVI is recognized by the Belgian Bureau for Standardization (NBN) as a sectoral Operator (SO) for standardization activities at European and international level regarding packaging?

This means that we function as the Belgian secretariat for the packaging sector (users and producers), more specifically regarding the work of CEN/TC 120-261 and ISO/TC 51-52-122, the technical committees active in the standardization domain of packaging.

IBE-BVI is also an active part of several international CEN and ISO working groups defending the needs and interests of our members on a neutral base, with technical background support.

What happens before a standard is adopted? 

The draft standard is first subject to a public review. This means that anyone can comment on the draft. NBN is promoting the portal from which any user can comment on draft.             

You can find this portal here:

in News
Federico Bassotto June 7, 2024
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