
The Belgian Packaging Institute (IBE-BVI) in Belgium (founded in 1954) and T&C Packaging International in the Netherlands (founded in 2011) together form the IBE-BVI Group. 

What can we do for you?

  • IBE-BVI Info Center advises on legislation and standards.
  • IBE-BVI/Sector Operator invites you to participate in standardization regarding packaging. 
  • IBE-BVI Training Center organizes seminars and training courses.
  • IBE-BVI Lab performs tests on packaging and packaging materials. 
  • T&C PI is your contact in the Netherlands for testing of packaging and packaging materials. 
  • IBE-BVI Group Membership offers you many benefits.

T&C Packaging International

T&C Packaging International

In 2005 IBE-BVI expanded its horizons and became a subcontractor for TNO Packaging NL with an expansion of the lab. Since the international view and the aim to reach as many needs as possible has always been in the nature of the Belgian Packaging Institute, in 2010,  we created T&CPI (Testing & Consulting Packaging International), the first foreign extension of the company abroad. 

T&CPI operates in the Dutch market but with many clients and partners which are spread all over the world. It represents an important added value to the Group in terms of testing but also for recognitions. The company is recognized by the Dutch authorities as official entity able to release UN certificates.



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