
INC-4 April 2024

INC-4 just came to an end and there are some important outcomes to remark on.

First, a short recap of what is the INC. This Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee has been created to limit unsustainable production, consumption, and growth of plastic pollution since the situation on the problem is becoming too dangerous.

Since the 1950s, approximately 10 billion tonnes of plastic have been produced, with studies revealing that over 8 billion tonnes have turned into waste. Each year, 10-15 million tonnes of this plastic end up in the marine environment, and this figure is expected to more than triple by 2050.

INC-4 was held in Ottawa, Canada, from 23-29 April 2024. More than 2500 people participated, representing governments, academia, civil society, private sector, etc.

The main goal of this fourth session was to develop an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution.

As far as the INC can remember, the delegations began to share distinct positions about their expectations for the future agreement.

Sharp divergence has been seen in the decision to include or not any provision on primary plastic polymers, on how to address chemicals and polymers and how to address linkages to existing processes.

Members and delegates of INC-4 agreed on the establishment of a legal drafting group, which will begin work at INC-5, to ensure legal clarity of the new instrument on plastic pollution.

INC-5 will be held in November 2024, and it will probably focus on examine potential sources and strategies for implementing the objectives of the instrument, including establishing a financial mechanism, aligning financial flows, and catalyzing investment while also assessing criteria-based and non-criteria-based approaches regarding plastic products and the chemicals of concern within them, focusing on enhancing the recyclability and reusability of plastic products in relation to their uses and applications.


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in News
Federico Bassotto June 7, 2024
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