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This training is designed for professionals involved in packaging, supply chain management, and regulatory compliance. It covers an introduction to GS1, their mission for packaging, and the impact of regulations on packaging trends and requirements. Participants will learn the basics of GS1 identification, barcodes, and data sharing, as well as GS1's role in fostering a circular economy and collaboration within a growing ecosystem. The session concludes with a discussion on future ambitions, key take-aways, and additional resources, ensuring attendees are well-equipped to implement standards in their operations.

Thema KMO-portefeuille: beroepsspecifieke competenties


Karen Arkesteyn - Innovation Manager GS1

Raphaël Ghaye - Retail & Industry Engagement Manager

Robin Goossens - Standardisation Manager

Program (17/12/2024)

9:30 Welcome with coffee

10:00 Welcome

  • Antitrust, IP, privacy disclaimers
  • Introduction of trainers
  • Purpose of the training
  • Round the table & expectations (format will depend on number of participants and set-up)

Who is GS1

What is GS1's mission for packaging?

  • Overview of legislations (high-level) with specific focus on PPWR
  • Overview of our stakeholders within a growing ecosystem - going from linear to circular
  • How do the regulations impact packaging? (trends and requirements)
  • How GS1 sees their role and mission - pluri-annual plan GS1 (short)
    • One barcode on the label, not multiple
    • Harmonization of data behind it
    • Also for outer cases: more digitalisation of processes
    • Identification for reusable packaging , …How GS1 sees their role and mission - pluri-annual plan GS1 (short)
      • Q&A

GS1 basics: identification of packaging

  • Identification of consumer product
  • Vs identification of packaging itself (components, …)
  • Identification of outer cases and pallets
  • Identification of returnable assets
  • Data model behind packaging at different levels
  • Q&A


GS1 basics: barcodes on packaging

  • Consumer item: traditional EAN-barcode
  • Barcodes used in distribution centre
  • Do's and don'ts: tips & tricks for placement and printing
  • Migration to Next Gen Barcodes + GS1 Digital Link
  • Guideline Next Gen Barcodes with transition period + recommendations on placement (short)
  • Q&A

12:30 End

Practical Information

Language: English

Price: All prices do NOT include VAT

  • Members IBE-BVI:  € 255.00
  • Members federation (Comeos; essenscia; INDUFED (FETRA/COBELPA)):  € 305.00
  • No member:  € 335.00